1. Editors should change the date following the phrase “Last Modified” that appears at the very bottom of all Victorian Web documents only when making one or more substantial changes to the content. Correcting misspelling or formatting errors, which we do all the time when we come upon them, doesn't count as substantial changes.
2. Substitute “Last Modified” for “Created” when the document was created recently.
Since the World Wide Web version of the Victorian Web goes back to 1994 (and some of its content originated in 1988-89), it might be of interest to readers and other editors to see when the document originated. It those cases we leave “Created” and the date, add two breaks and follow that by “Last Modified” and the present date:
Created 1998
Last Modified 13 July 2021
3. Other ways of indicating changes to the document that do not change the content include adding the phrases “Links added” or “Images added” if you think that information important enough.
4. When the date of creation and modifications are of interest to fellow editors but not readers, the place to put that information is in the header in the following form:
<!- Created 13 July 2000; bibliography added 1 December 2015 -->
One can also add the names of who made the changes if they differ from the author.
Last modified 13 July 2021