The first paragraph of the main text and all first paragraphs following <h3></h3> tags

In style1.css documents, the first paragraph of the main text begins <p class="one">

Subtitles and the text following

All subtitles appear between <h3></h3> tags. The paragraph immediately following </h3> always begins <p class="one">.

Long set-off quotations

For quotations longer than 3-4 sentences, use the <p class="lq"> tag for each paragraph. If the text following the set-off quotation forms part of the same paragraph, bring the text to the left margin by beginning it with <p class="aq">. Otherwise, begin it with the usual <p>.


1. Single thumbnails, such as those used for portraits of authors or images of book jackets in a book review, take the following form:

<a href = "xxxx.html"><img src="xxxx.jpg" alt="1title1" height="144" border="0" class = "floatright"/></a>

The example above places the image flush with the right margin. Use the following for to place the image flush with the left margin:

<a href = "xxxx.html"><img src="xxxx.jpg" alt="1title1" height="144" border="0" class = "floatleft"/></a>

2. Use the following to place a horizontal image that occupies the space between margins:

<center><a href="xxx.jpg"<<img src="xxx.jpg" border="0" width="670"/></a></center>

3a. Three images that occupy (most of) the space between margins. Following the link brings readers to an html document containing the image.

<a href = "xxx.html"><img src="xxx.jpg" hspace="5" height="200" border="0"/></a>
<a href = "yyy.html"><img src="yyy.jpg" hspace="5" height="200" border="0"/></a>
<a href = "zzz.html"><img src="zzz.jpg" hspace="5" height="200" border="0"/></a>

<p class="tc">Left to right: (a) <span class="tcartwork"></span>. (b) <span class="tcartwork"></span>. (c) <span class="tcartwork"></span> [Click on these images for larger pictures.]</p>

Depending upon the size and orientation of the image (i.e., horizontal or vertical), you will have to experiment to find the proper height.

3b. Three images that occupy (most of) the space between margins. Following the link enlarges the image.

<a href = "xxx.jpg"><img src="xxx.jpg" hspace="5" height="200" border="0"/></a>
<a href = "yyy.jpg"><img src="yyy.jpg" hspace="5" height="200" border="0"/></a>
<a href = "zzz.jpg"><img src="zzz.jpg" hspace="5" height="200" border="0"/></a>

<p class="tc">Left to right: (a) <span class="tcartwork"></span>. (b) <span class="tcartwork"></span>. (c) <span class="tcartwork"></span> [Click on these images for larger pictures.]</p>

Lists of related material

<h3>Related Material</h3>

         <li><a href="xxx.html">xxx</a></li>
         <li><a href="yyy.html">yyy</a></li>
         <li><a href="zzz.html">zzz</a></li>


Bibliography (or References)


<p class="bibl">Hardy, Thomas. <span class="book">Under The Greenwood Tree, or, The Mellstock Quire — A Rural Painting of the Dutch School</span> (1872). Ed. Anna Winchcombe. Houndmills, Basingstoke, and London: Macmillan Education, 1978.</p>

<p class="bibl">Purdy, Richard Little. <span class="book">Thomas Hardy: A Bibliographical Study</span>. Oxford University Press. 1954.</p>

Related Material

Last modified 12 July 2021