- George Canning, Vindication of Government Policies, 18 March 1820
- George Canning, Address on the King's Message Respecting Portugal, 12 December 1826
- Robert Peel, The Consolidation of Criminal Laws, 22 February 1827
- Duke of Wellington, Catholic Emancipation, 2 April 1829
- Duke of Wellington, speech on the Address in answer to the King's Speech, House of Lords, 2 November 1830
- Sir Robert Peel's defence of his acceptance of office, 24 February 1835
- Lord John Russell, "finality" speech, 20 November 1837
- Sir Robert Peel's speech on the Bedchamber Crisis: 13 May 1839
- Benjamin Disraeli, In support of the Chartist petition, 12 July 1839
- Benjamin Disraeli, Explanation to the Constituents of His Votes in Parliament on the Corn Laws, 1842
- Sir Robert Peel, Speech on the Bank Charter Act: , 6 May 1844
- Sir Robert Peel, Speech on the Corn Laws, 22 January 1846
- Sir Robert Peel, Speech on the second reading of the Bill for the Repeal of the Corn Laws, 16 February 1846
- Benjamin Disraeli, Speech on the third reading of the Bill for the Repeal of the Corn Laws: 15 May 1846
- Sir Robert Peel's speech on Repeal of the Corn Laws, 15 May 1846 [Extract]
- The Duke of Wellington, Speech on the repeal of the Corn Laws, 28 May 1846
- Sir Robert Peel, final ministerial speech in the House of Commons, 29 June 1846 [Extract]
- Viscount Palmerston, Foreign Policy — Affairs of Greece, 25 June 1850
- Benjamin Disraeli, The third Reform Bill, 15 July 1867
- William Gladstone, Accomplishments of the Administration 28 October 1871.
- Benjamin Disraeli, Conservative Principles, 3 April 1872
- Benjamin Disraeli, Suez Canal Shares, 14 February 1876
- William Gladstone, Government of Ireland Bill, 7 June 1886
Last modified 25 June 2002