[These materials on the case of Lt. Kennedy were adapted by GPL, with permission of the author, from the latter's course website, which is no longer available online.]

Acting General of the Army to J. M. Taylor, Commanding Officer, 2nd Light Calvalry


Adjudant General's Office,
Head Quarters,
7th May, 1860


In transmitting the annexed documents (to be returned) and with refeNo 1562 of 28th April, from Secretary to Government. No.28 of 24th Feb. from Secretary State to Government of Bombay. Dated 26th December, from the British Consul at Damascus to Under Secretary of State for India.

In reference to previous correspondence on the same subject, copies of which were forwarded for your information, I have the honor by direction of the Commander-in-Chief to request you will call upon Lieutenant Kennedy for a further explanation of his conduct at Damascus as to his having embraced the Mahomedan religion, and married a Mahomedan woman, having at the same time a Mussulman wife in India. I have the honor to be, Sir, your most obedient servant,

T.STOCK, Major.
Acting Adjudant General,

(True Extract)

J.M. TAYLOR, Major
Commanding H. M. 2nd Regt., Light Cavalry,

(On the back)


No. 1562 of 1860
Bombay Castle, 28th April, 1860:

Letter from the secretary of State, No28, dated 24th February, 1860.

Transmits a letter from the Consul of Damascus, relative to the proceedings of Lieutenant Kennedy, of the 2nd Light Cavalry whilst at Damascus.

Resolution of Government on the above.

Copy to be sent to the Adjudant General.

(Signed) W.F. MARRIOT, Captain.
Secretary to Government.


(True Copy.)

J.M.TAYLOR, Major,
Commanding H.M. 2nd Light Cavalry.

Last modified 8 January 2024