The following passage is an extract from The Globe November/December 1848 — Clare Sargent, MA MCLIP, Head of Library & Archives, Radley College]

An emeuté took place at Winchester College on Monday week among the gentlemen commoners, owing to Dr Moberly, the Headmaster, having forbidden the customary display of fireworks on the evening previous to the holidays (Saturday week). The young gentlemen, however, were determined to have their fireworks, and obtained the usual supply, which was thrown over the wall into the playground during the time of divine service on Saturday. No sooner was the service over than the commoners made to their playground, and speedily kindled a large bonfire, and commenced kicking about fireballs. Dr Moberly, being informed of what was going on, hastened to the spot, when a number of serpents were directed against him, and he was obliged to retire. On Sunday, the Doctor having intimated his intention of severely punishing the ringleaders, the youths refused to attend chapel, and on Monday morning declined making their appearance, and, for protection, barred their master out, who in his turn, barred them in. The besieged stood out for several hours, but before eventide they were starved into a surrender, when some of the most forward were flogged, and one of them, who had rendered himself particularly obnoxious, was expelled the school.

Last modified 30 January 2013