On Wednesday last the fine instrument built by Messrs Telford and Telford, St Stephen’s Green, for St Peter’s College, was opened in the presence of his Grace the Duke of Leinster, Chief Justice Blackburne, and a numerous assemblage of fashionables, who bestowed the most unqualified praise upon the design, workmanship, and splendid tones of, certainly, the finest instrument ever built in Ireland. It has three complete manuals from CC to G in alto. Forty-five stops, and 2,833 pipes. In the great organ sixteen stops, and 1,146 pipes. Choir seven stops and 356 pipes. Swell organ thirteen stops, and 947 pipes, and pedal organ nine stops and 384 pipes, the compass of which is from CCC to G, two and a half octaves, and containing a trumpet of eight feet, and a double trumpet of sixteen. In the choir organ a stop, new in this country, and, indeed, rarely found in English organs, although met with in the great Continental organs – the Viol de Gamba [sic] has been judiciously introduced. It is a unison metal stop, the pipes of a peculiar shape, producing the sound of the bowing of a stringed instrument, and having a clear and dulcet tone. Mr Robert P. Stewart, the talented organist of Christ Church Cathedral, presided with his usual ability, and fully developed the fine quality and powers of the instrument. The style of the case is gothic, in solid oak, with rich carvings, the speaking front of pure tin highly burnished; and the piece of work altogether, put out of hands in a manner that does the highest credit to the eminent Firm that executed it.

Last modified 7 February 2013