![Grand Panorama of the Great Exhibition](35.jpg)
[India] No. IX — South and North Portion of the Transept. from The Illustrated London News. [Magnified image, which makes the text legible and images easier to discern. When the image opens, it may be too wide for your screen, and you will have to scroll horizanontally to see it all.] Image scan and text by Philip V. Allingham. [You may use this image without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the person who scanned the image and (2) link your document to this URL.]
[Leda?] and Swan — Fountain of Cast-Iron Bronze [sic], Colebrook Dale, Designed by Bell — Indian Pottery, Models, &c, [—] The Shipwrecked Sailor —Ivory Chairs, from Golab Singh, of Cachemere — Royal Bed, Bedstaed, and Cover, Naran Singh, Benares. [—] Couches, Chairs, Tables, Screens, in bloack-wood, richly carved, from Bombay, &c. — Rispah and her Sons.
Last modified 8 September 2006