Teddington Locks. Steel engraving. From Eighty Picturesque Views of the Thames and Medway.
Text accompanying the engraving
Returning again to the banks of the river [from Kingston], we find the current, with quickened pace, hastening towards Teddington lock and weir, which are the last impediments offered to the free flowing of the stream; and at this place all influence from the diurnal influx of tide ceases to be experienced. The village of Teddington is prettily situated on the left, and removed a short distance from the water. The name has been supposed to owe its original protector, the duke of Somerset, who, in 1547, caused the building of the present edifice. Queen Mary restored it to the Bridgetines, who were expelled by Elizabeth, and, after wandering through Flanders, eventually settled at Lisbon. In 1604 the mansion was granted to the earl of Northumberland; in the possession of whose family it now remains. [68-69]
Related Material: other Locks depicted in this volume
Fearnside, W. G. Eighty Picturesque Views of the Thames and Medway, Engraved on Steel by the First Artists. London: Black and Armstrong, [n.d. after 1837]. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of California at Berkley Library. Web. 30 March 2012.
Last modified 1 May 2012