[This document comes from Helena Wojtczak's English Social History: Women of Nineteenth-Century Hastings and St.Leonards. An Illustrated Historical Miscellany, which the author has graciously shared with readers of the Victorian Web. Click on the title to obtain the original site, which has additional information.]
This following is a list of some of the female traders operating in Hastings and St Leonards. It is certainly not exhaustive. For various reasons, tradeswomen may have gone undocumented at the time, and records are missing which would have provided a good many more names.
A 1850s campaign for early closing of Hastings' provision shops on Saturdays suggested that they close at 9.pm instead of the customary time of between ten and midnight. The reason was not employees' welfare but concern that they would be too tired "for the religious duties of the Sabbath morning." Hastings & St Leonards News, 22 February 1856
1821 Census (St Mary in the Castle, Hastings)
- Dressmaker: Miss Evershed
- Greengrocer: Mrs. J. Phillips
1831 Census (St Mary in the Castle, Hastings)
- Tea dealer: Miss Eaton
- Laundress: Fanny Gower, Back street
- Milliner: Sarah Soane, Castle street (crossed out)
- Lodging house keeper: Mary Tisley, Priors cottages (crossed out)
- Lodging house keeper: Elizabeth Phillips, Beach houses (crossed out)
- Lodging house keeper: Hannah Ruth, York gardens (crossed out)
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Left: 29 George street, in which Mrs Hyland ran an eating house c 1830s-40s. Right: All Saints' street - 102, where Mary White had a grocery, and 103, where Eliza Paris had a greengrocery

Hannah Morton's advert in the Hastings & St Leonards News, 1850. Mrs Morton was at the time the most successful female shopkeeper in Hastings, with the leading china and glass shop in the area.
Pigot's Directory 1839
- Bookseller: Eleanor Slade, 16 1/2 High st (b. 1807)
- China Dealer: Hannah Morton, 26-7 (later 43) High st
- Eatinghouse keeper: Mrs. Ann Hyland, 29 George st (still there 1845)
- Fishmonger: Margaret Tassell, East street
- Fancy shop: Elizabeth Cohen, 10 Castle st
- Fancy shop: Ann Reynolds, 37 Marina (still there 1852; b.1799, widow)
- Stationer: Sarah Bryant, 84 High st
- Fruiterer: Ann Guy, 60 George street
- Tea dealer: Sophia Abbott, 33 West street
- Toy dealer: Mary Roe, Marine parade
- Grocer: Elizabeth Blackman, Halton fields
- Grocer: Mary Monday, 6 Stone st
- Grocer: Sarah Jones, Barrack ground
- Grocer: Mary Ann Stewart, 50 High st
- Grocer: Ann Palk, Wellington court
- Draper: Charlotte Green, 28 George st
Clothing trade
- Straw hat maker: Mrs. Payne, George street
- Straw hat maker: Mrs. Louisa Pollard, Courthouse street (later 102 High st; b.1804, married to a tailor, three children)
- Straw hat maker: Mrs. Ann Lansdell, 3 Bentinck cottages
- Staymaker: Sarah Daniell, 89 High st
- Staymaker: Sarah Poile, 45 (later 61 1/2) George street
- Staymaker: Ann Russell, 6 Pelham arcade
- Staymaker: Mary Ann Fullager, 33 Robertson street
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Left: Mrs Osborne's advertisment for her printing business Right: Mrs Golding's advertisement in Osborne's 1858 Directory
Kelly's Directory 1845
- Cowkeeper, 6 Courthouse street: Mrs. Frances Whiteman
- Farmer: Mrs. Elizabeth Foster, Priory farm
- Confectioners & fruiterers: Sarah & John Wheeler 17 High st
- Confectioners & fruiterers: Mrs. Charlotte Wheeler 17 High st
- Furniture broker: Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, 26 High st
- Eating-house: Mrs. Ann Hyland, 29 George st
- Library & stationer: Ann Holt, 24 White rock (b.1815, single, joint business with brother)
- China dealer: Mrs. Hannah Morton, 43 High st
- Greengrocer: Eliza Paris, 103 All Saints' st
- Grocer: Hannah White, 75 All Saints' street
- Grocer: Mrs. Margaret White, Bourne st (b.1780, widow, by 1851 moved to 1, Pleasant row)
- Fruiterer & seed dealer: Ann Golding, 16 George st
- Shopkeeper: Mrs. Theodosia Baker, St Andrews terrace
- Shopkeeper: Mrs. Ann Bishop, Gensing road
- Shopkeeper: Mrs. Ann Cousins, Hill st
- Shopkeeper: Mrs. Mary White, 102 All Saints' st
- Shopkeeper: Mrs. Ann Mills, 5 Claremont
Clothing trade
- Hosier, glovier & shirtmaker: 31 Robertson street: Mrs Undine Pegge
- Furrier & leather dresser: Mrs. Jemima Johnson, 72 1/2 High st
- Milliner: Mrs. Day, 31 High st
- Milliner: Caroline Fermor, 22 George st
- Milliner: Mrs. E. Fisher, 101 All Saints' st
- Milliner & dressmaker: Mrs. Louisa Honiss, 5 York place
- Milliner & dress maker: Mrs. Frances Tooth, 4 Castle st
- Milliner & Berlin wool warehouse: Mrs. Louisa Soane, 59 High st (b. 1809, later 119 All Saints' street,
- husband and two sons were painters/glaziers)
- Straw hat manufacturer: Jane Phillips, Parade
- Straw bonnet maker: Harriet Walker, Meadow cottages (later 122 All Saints' street)
- Straw hat manufacturer: Mrs. Judith Carpenter, 104 High st
- Straw hat manufacturer: Mrs. Jane Carr, 45 1/2 George st
- Straw hat manufacturer: Mrs. Hide, All Saints' st
- Straw hat manufacturer & milliner: Mrs. Hannah Ives, 18 (later 44 George st)
- Straw hat manufacturer: Mrs. Elizabeth Foord, 61 George st
- Tea and fancy dealer: Mrs. Elizabeth Pitter, 7 George st
- Staymakers: Mrs. Sarah Daniels & Mrs. Mary Jeffrey, 36 High st
- Staymaker: Mrs. A Honiss, 5 York place
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Left: 118 High street, from where Mary Weston ran a dressmaking business (photo: J Meredith) Right: Pelham Arcade, with a businesswoman at her stall. (Lithograph: C Hullmandel)
(1851 Censuses, Home Counties Directory 1851, Osborne's Directory 1852, 1857 and 1858, Sussex Directory 1855)
Shops and services (non-provision)
- Printer: Mrs. Osborne, 55 George street (joint business with husband)
- Berlin wool repository: Mrs. Osborne, 55 George street
- Stationer & tea dealer: Mrs. Mary Cope, 115 Marina (b.1817, married with 4 yr old child)
- Stationer & Post Office Receiving House: Mrs Charlotte Osborne, 27 Castle street
- Ironmonger: Sarah Offen, 3 Norman road west (b.1811, widow with 3 children)
- Coal merchant: Eliza Ann Deudney, 43 (later 104) Marina (b.1806, widow with one child)
- Blacksmith & Shoeing: Mrs. M. Ranger West street (& 14 Shepherd st) (b.1814, in business with husband,
- a master blacksmith; five children)
- Shell dealer: Sarah Hide, 3 Pleasant row (b.1804, widow with three daughters and a fisherman son)
- Shells (British & Foreign): Mrs. Oliver, Marine parade
- Toydealer: Charlotte Wood, George street
- Tobacconist: Harriet Bate, 26 Castle street
- Baby linen dealer: Emma Palmer, 25 Castle street
- Baby linen dealer: Janet Miller, 25 Castle street (1845)
- Linen draper: Mrs. Hampton, 25 George street
- Linen draper: Mrs. Philpott, 38 Marina
- Linen draper: Mrs. Harriet Bell, 36 All Saints' street
- Upholsteress: Charlotte Morley, 5 Market terrace (b.1803, married, 3 children)
- Upholsteress: Emmeline Morley. 5 Marker terrace (b.1832, daughter of the above)
- Lace manufacturer: Martha Healey, 20 Castle street (1851)
Shops and services (provision)
- Fruiterer & greengrocer: Mrs. Ann Walter, 6 South Colonnade. (Still trading 1862)
- Egg merchant: Madame FlourČ, 62 George street
- Fishmonger: Harriot Craig, 2 Creek (b.1803, married to a bricklayer, four children)
- Dairywoman: Elizabeth Stevens, Bohemia farm (b.1821, married to farm bailiff)
- Beershop keeper: Caroline Barnes, 9 Lavatoria (b.1807, husband a special constable)
- Beershop keeper: Mrs. Ann Tyril (Tyrell?) Alma Beer Shop, All Saints' street (joint business with husband; 5 daughters)
- Beer retailer: Mrs. Frances Burton, 30 West street
- Baker: Mrs. Harriot Beck, 4 London road (1851) (b.1800, widow)
- Baker: Mrs. Harriot Ranger, 16 Stone street (1855)
- Baker: Emma Clark, 4 Pelham street
- Baker: Mrs. Jane Smith, 56 High street
- Baker: Sarah Betts, 26 Bourne street (b.1802, widow, one son and one servant)
- Baker: Mrs. Felstead, 5 Castle road (widow; Mr. Felstead committed suicide in 1851 by cutting his throat at 5 Castle road)
- Greengrocer & beerseller: Lucy Scott, 1 Waterloo place (b.1804)
- Fish seller: Kitty White, Waterloo passage (b.1792)
- Fruiterer/grocer: Mrs. Burt, Market passage
- Grocer: Sarah Jones, 33 Bohemia terrace
- Grocer: Theodosia Baker, 4 High street
- Grocer: Charlotte Blayden, 129 All Saints' street (b.1813, married)
- Grocer: Mrs. Mary Ann Ranger, 3 Mercatoria (b.1813, married to a shoemaker)
- Grocer, newsagent, tobacconist: Eliza and Jane Smith, 31 High street
- Grocer: Eliza Guess, 2 High street (b.1823, married with baby son)
- Grocer: Sarah White, 75 All Saints' street (b.1787, widow with three daughters, one a schoolmistress)
- Grocer: Susannah Betts, 103 All Saints' street (b.1807, husband a fisherman, eight children aged 2 to 17)
- Greengrocer: Charlotte Hinkley, 124 All Saints' street (b.1821, husband was a mariner; 2 children)
- Greengrocer: Mary Kennard, 135 All Saints' street (b.1817, widow)
- Greengrocer: Elizabeth Fulmer, 22 Shepherd street (b.1802, widow, 2 sons)
- Greengrocer: Ann Mills, 10 Prospect place (b.1799, widow, 2 children)
- Huckster: Elizabeth Prior (b.1797) and her daughters Isabella & Matilda, 3 Fountain road
Clothing trade
- Furrier and feather dresser: Mrs. Hargrave, 6 Waterloo place
- Hatter: Mrs. Ann Lott, 58 George street
- Milliners: Mrs. Esther Baily, 18 Robertson street (b.1816, married to a haberdasher)
- Mary Vine, 2 Mercatoria (b.1828, single)
- Sarah Pomphrey, 3 West street
- Emily Pierce, 35 High street
- Louisa Smith, 17 Stone street
- Mrs. Mary Ann Smith, 20 Castle street (1855)
- Straw bonnet makers: Miss Pearce, 35 High street
- Mrs. Pollard, 102 High street
- Miss Slough, Norman road west
- Mrs. Smith, 13 South colonnade (Marina)
- Charlotte Harmer, 2 St Michael's terrace (b.1826, single)
- Corsetmaker: Jane Wallis, 109 All Saints' street (b.1816, married)
- Seamstress: Ann Harman, 114 All Saints' street (b.1805, widow)
- Needlewoman: Mary Tulley, Mercatoria (b.1795, widow)
- Catherine Fisher, 19 East ascent
- Charlotte Sargent, 144 All Saints' street
- Ann Heath, 15 Castle st
- Eliza Grisebrook, 2 High st
- Mrs. Hollands, Castle road
- Miss Fisher, 51 1/2 High st
- Martha Smith, 36 George street
- Mrs. Lye, 14 Robertson street
- Mrs. Tooth, 4 Castle st
- (& milliner) Mme Victorine Winsor, 4 Stratford place (b. Paris 1803, married to an out-of-business tradesman; 4 daughters)
- Isabella Winsor, 4 Stratford place
- (& milliner) Mrs. Catherine Griffin, 54 (later 55) All Saints' st
- Matilda Walker, 1 Gensing road (b.1828, single)
- Miss Hoad, 13 Castle st
- Mary Ann Morris, 64 All Saints' street
- Mary Weston, 118 High st
- Ann Lulham, 2 High street
- ... and dozens more.
- Laundress: Hannah Sargent, 144 All Saints' street
- Laundress: Maria Grisbrook, 139 All Saints' street
- Laundress: Maria Stapley, 143 All Saints' street (b.1785)
- Nurse: Sarah Jennings, 114 All Saints' street
- Nurse: Susannah Scott, Gensing road (b.1787, single)
- Shoebinder: Mary Godden, 143 All Saints' street
- Shoebinder: Frances Elphick, 4 Mount pleasant
- Bootbinder: Elizabeth Hamson, 5 Caves road (b.1826, married with one child)
- Ironer: Jane Cramp, 143 All Saints' street (age 25)
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Left: Mrs Lye's advert in Kelly's Directory Right: Mrs Osborne's advert
For more 1840s & 1850s Hastings' tradeswomen's advertisements, and photographs of their locations, click here.
Last modified 2000