Guadalupe Ramiro Fernández [guadalupe.ramiro@gmail.com] nació en 1991 y es natural de Guadalupe, provincia de Cáceres (Extremadura), donde reside y lleva a cabo estudios cum laude hasta que en 2009 se traslada a Madrid para estudiar Filología Inglesa en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Becada en 2009 y 2010, tiene la oportunidad de viajar a diferentes países de habla inglesa donde profundiza estudios de lengua, cultura y literatura inglesas. Cursa estudios dentro del programa Erasmus en la Universidad de Amberes (Bélgica). En el futuro, le gustaría encaminar su carrera hacia la docencia.
Guadalupe Ramiro Fernández [guadalupe.ramiro@gmail.com] was born in 1991 in Guadalupe, a Spanish village in the region of Cáceres (Extremadura), where she was brought up and studied primary and secondary education with cum laude qualifications. In 2009 she moved to Madrid to study English Studies at Complutense University Madrid. She received grants in 2009 and 2010 to travel to different English-speaking countries in order to gain depth in the language, culture and literature in English. Currently she studies in the Erasmus programme at Antwerp University (Belgium). In the future, she would like to direct her career towards teaching.
Modificado por última vez el 26 de diciembre de 2011