Cómo la ballena se la garganta por Rudyard Kipling para "How the Whale got his Throat" en Cuentos de así fue (Just So Stories) p. 17. 1926. 8,9 x 7,9 cm. La imagen escaneada, texto, y traducción por George P.Landow [Esta imagen se puede usar sin autorización previa para cualquier propósito académico o educativo, siempre y cuando mencione (1) el nombre del fotógrafo y (2) enlace el documento a esta dirección URL].
Comentario de Kipling

THIS is the picture of the Djinn making the beginnings of the Magic that brought the Humph to the Camel. First he drew a line in the air with his finger, and it became solid; and then he made a cloud, and then he made an egg -- you can see them at the bottom of the picture -- and then there was a magic pumpkin that turned into a big white flame. Then the Djinn took his magic fan and fanned that flame till the flame turned into a Magic by itself. It was a good Magic and a very kind Magic really, though it had to give the Camel a Humph because the Camel was lazy. The Djinn in charge of All Deserts was one of the nicest of the Djinns, so he would never do anything really unkind. [p. 16]
Kipling, Rudyard. Just So Stories for Little Children. Illustrated by the Author. London: Macmillan, 1926.