El parsi empieza a comer la torta by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) de "Cómo el rinoceronte obtuvo su pie," Cuentos de así fue (Just So Stories), p. 29. 1926. 8,9 x 8,5 cm. La imagen escaneada, texto, y traducción por George P.Landow [Esta imagen se puede usar sin autorización previa para cualquier propósito académico o educativo, siempre y cuando mencione (1) el nombre del fotógrafo y (2) enlace el documento a esta dirección URL].
Comentario de Kipling
THIS is the picture of the Parsee beginning to eat his cake on the Uninhabited Island in the Red Sea on a very hot day; and of the Rhinoceros coming down from the Altogether Uninhabited Interior, which, as you can truthfully see, is all rocky. The Rhinoceros's skin is quite smooth, and the three buttons that button it up are underneath, so you can't see them. The squiggly things on the Parsee's hat are the rays of the sun reflected in more-than-oriental splendour, because if I had drawn real rays they would have filled up all the picture. The cake has currants in it ; and the wheel-thing lying on the sand in front belonged to one of Pharaoh's chariots when he tried to cross the Red Sea. The Parsee found it, and kept it to play with. The Parsee's name was Pestonjee Bomonjee, and the Rhinoceros was called Strorks, because he breathed through his mouth instead of his nose. I wouldn't ask anything about the cooking-stove if I were you. [p. 28]

Note the broken wheel upon which is written "-man army no. 17563 (or 8)."
Kipling, Rudyard. Just So Stories for Little Children. Illustrated by the Author. London: Macmillan, 1926.