Zambia Railways Steam locomotive No. 204 (4-10-2?), Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. In 1996 I came upon this beautifully maintained steam locomotive whose number plate on the cab identifies it as belonging to Zambia Railways, which means it traverses the border, bringing tourists to the Falls. In this picture it sits with a head of steam near two water hoses.
In an earlier version of this page I hazarded a guess that the locomotive may have been made in Europe, possibly Germany, but on November 8, 2010 Eric Boswell kindly wrote the following: “I do believe I can clear up the uncertainty you are having with your fine picture of Locomotive No. 204. She is in fact a 12th Class of the former Rhodesia Railways and was built by the North British Locomotive Co. in Scotland. I fired these lovely engines when staioned at Brok From en Hill (now Kabwe) and we worked double headed to Ndola on the copperbelt. I also fired the magnificent 20th class Garretts, 15th class 14a's etc etc. What memories of a truly well run system which sadly has dwindled to a shadow of a shadow.”
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Photograph © George P. Landow may be copied without written permission for any noncommercial use — for hobbies, education, and so on. If you have any additional information on the locomotives or rolling stock in these pictures, please feel free to send it along to me at george@landow.com; pictures are welcome, too. GPL)