(Click on the pictures below to obtain larger images, which take longer to download.) Photographs © George P. Landow may be copied without written permission for any noncommercial use — for hobbies, education, and so on. If you have any additional information on the locomotives or rolling stock in these pictures, please feel free to send it along to me at george@landow.com; pictures are welcome, too. GPL)

People gathering at the former Union Pacific station waiting for the train.
Left: Some of the cars from our train, which had at least three different kinds of passenger cars — these aluminum-sided UP cars, observation cars, and the coaches at the right. Right: A crew member walking along side the train on his way to attach signs to each car indicating the location of one's reserved seats.

Left: The brakeman detached locomotive no. 6776, an American Locomotive Company (ALCO) FP-4A diesel that came from the Canadian Nation Railway in the 1990s, from the passenger cars, and the engineer moved it past a Y-junction, so No. 29, a century-old 2-8-0 Consolidation, could back up to the train. FP-4A diesels, which have been designed for passenger service, are extra long to allow for a steam generator. Middle: The crew standing near a power car, which passenger trains needed for light, heat, and air conditioning if the locomotive did not include an extra steam generator. Right: No. 29 slowly reverses toward the train. According to the Grand Canyon Railway Territorial Times, No. 29 "served on the Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad in northern Michigan hauling iron ore to the Marquette docks 20 miles away for nearly 30 years," after which it sat idle for 30 years and then was converted from coal to oil fuel in August 1989.

Left: The Landows and the Murrays sat, separated by the bar, from the rest of the group. Middle: The entertaining hostess, bar keep, and stand-up comedian. Right: Since excursions this day marked the 100th anniversary of the locomotive, our hostess passed out commemorative sugar cookies. They were good. And one of the Landows had several.

The scene (which looked as if it could have been in Dover Plains, N. Y.) shortly after the train pulled out of the station. As one can see from the later pictures, the landscape through which the train rides changes continually.

The excellent singer and guitar player who entertained us for a while followed by the sheriff and the two outlaws who held up the train.

The next six: (1) arid, almost bare desert, (2) high desert trees and vegetation, (3) Ponderosa pines and other evergreens in an area with more water, (4) rocks and trees, (5) an abandoned cattle loading platform and buildings, and (6) approaching Williams, Arizona, with mountains in the distance.

The Centenarian at the Williams station

The crew standing around the locomotive.

Right: The builder's plate showing that it was produced by the American Locomotive Company's Pittsburgh Works in May 1906 and was their 39,637th engine.

Other tourists photographing old No. 28.

Two right: the engineer. After photographing the train, George joined the group at the hotel across the street from the station owned by the same people who owned the railroad — a return to the era of Anglo-American railway hotels, such as El Tovar!