Buildings and the turntable in Albion Yard. The one at left, a BTS kit, is a wooden structure that came with the metal figure of the young boy at right, which I painted. The two men are resin figures from Rusty Rail as are many of the details surrounding both buildings. The second building, which I constructed of styrene, Tichy windows, chimney, and a door plus a plastic freight door left over from my conversion of the Atlas passenger station to the freighthouse in the Pawtuxet yards. The roof material, which represents either slate or asphalt shingles, is bonded to a cardboard under roof. At the edge of the picture the Walthers HO turntable that I converted to On30 by building the operator’s cabin, widening the turntable, and replacing the bridge or structure to which in the prototype the electric power connected from an electric pole. Click on image to enlarge it.