This lovely New England home, which I modelled upon some Providence houses, uses wood clapboard siding, Campbell Scale Models doors, windows, columns, porch railings, and shingle material. The nineteenth-century-style building edges were created out of L-shaped scale lumber, and the basket weave grid under the porch uses two Grandt Line parts. In the early 1980s, when Russ Larson was Editor, I sold an article entitled something like "Building Linda's House" to Model Railroader, and they paid me for it, but as far as I know it never appeared; when I contacted the magazine in June 2005, no one there knew anything about it.
In September 2016 the Linda's house House moved to Annapolis, Maryland, along with the Turbey’s farm and the nearby cemetery.
Other views
- front three-quarter view
- Linda and Emily Dicksinson having tea on the porch
- bird's-eye view, front three-quarter left
- front three-quarter left.