his is primarily a list of twentieth-century commentary on Trollope that has been especially useful to me in this study. Only a few references to Victorian reviews and criticism are included, because anything like a full accounting would swell the section enormously and also because both David Skilton, in Trollope and His Contemporaries: A Study in the Theory and Conventions of Mid-Victorian Fiction (London: Longman, 1972): and Donald A. Smalley, in Trollope: The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; New York: Barnes and Noble, 1969): have made analyses, selections, and listings of this material readily available.
The bibliography here is divided into four sections: the first, 'General Works on Trollope', includes full-length studies and important chapters or articles which consider more than a single novel, as well as a few crucial primary sources: letters, addresses, and some reprinted notes and essays. The second, 'Studies of Individual Novels', consists of articles, chapters, and reviews which concern themselves w holly or nearly so with one novel. The third, 'Works with Important Referrnces to Trollope', lists some of the short but useful comments which arc founil in letters or in works devoted primarily to subjects other than Trollope. The last, 'General Materials on the Novel and Its Aesthetics', indicates some of the more important works which have been cited or which lend some direct support to the critical methods employed throughout.
General Works on Trollope
Aitken, David. '"A Kind of Felicity": Some Notes About Trollope's Style.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 20 (1965-6): 337-53.
Allen, Walter. The English Novel: A Short Critical History. London: Phoenix House, 1954, pp. 190-98.
Anon. 'Mr. Trollope's Last Novel.' Nation, 31 (19 August 1880): 138-9.
——'Mr. Trollope's Novels.' North British Review, 40 (May 1864): 369-401.
_____. Review of An Autobiography. Saturday Review, 56 (20 October 1883): 505-6.
_____. 'Trollope in the West Indies.' Listener, 67 (15 March 1962): 461.
ApRoberts, Ruth. 'Anthony Trollope, or the Man with No Style at All.' 88l-'NL, No. 35 (1969): pp. 10-13.
_____. The Moral Trollope. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1971.
ApRoberts, Ruth. Trollope Empiricus.' Victorian News Letter, No. 34 (1968): 1-7.
_____. 'Trollope's Casuistry.' Novel, 3 (1969-70): 17-27.
Atlee, Clement R. 'The Pleasure of Books.' National and English Review, 142 (January 1954): 17-21.
Auchinloss, Louis. 'Americans in Trollope.' Reflections of a Jacobite. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961, pp. 113-25.
Baker, Ernest A. 'Trollope.' From the Brontes to Meredith: Romanticism in the English Novel. The History of the English Novel. London: H. F. and G. Witherby, 1937. viii. 112-60.
Baker, Joseph Ellis. The Novel and the Oxford Movement. Princeton Studies in English, No. 8. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1932.
_____. 'Trollope's Third Dimension.' CE 16 (1954-5): 222-5, 232.
Banks, J. A. 'The Way They Lived Then: Anthony Trollope and the 1870's.'Victorian Studies. 12 (1968-69): 177-200.
Helloc, H. 'Anthony Trollope.' London Mercury, 27 (1932-33): 150-57.
Betsky, Seymour. 'Society in Thackeray and Trollope.' From Dickens to Hardy. A Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. London: Cassell, 1963. vi. 144-68.
Blair, Frederick G. 'Trollope on Education: An Unpublished Address.' Trollopian, I, No. 4 (March 1947): 1-9.
Boll, Ernest. 'The Infusion of Dickens in Trollope.' Trollopian, 1, No. 3 (September 1946): 1-24.
Booth, Bradford A. Anthony Trollope: Aspects of His Life and Art. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1958.
_____. 'Anthony Trollope.' Victorian News Letter, 13 (1958): pp. 24-5 [a guide to research materials].
_____. 'The Parrish Trollope Collection.' Trollopian, 1, No. 1 (Summer 1945): 11-19.
_____. 'Trollope and "Little Dorrit".' Trollopian, 2 (1947-8): 237-40.
_____. 'Trollope and the "Pall Mall Gazette".' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 4 (1949-50): 51-69, 137-58.
_____. 'Trollope and the Royal Literary Fund.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 7 (1952-3): 208-16.
_____. 'Trollope in California.' Huntington Library Quarterly. 3 (1939-40): 117-24.
_____. 'Trollope on "Emma"; An Unpublished Note.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 4 (1949-50): 245-47.
_____. 'Trollope on Froude's "Caesar".' Trollopian, 1, No. 2 (March 1946): 33-47-
_____. 'Trollope on the Novel.' Essays Critical and Historical Dedicated to Lily B. Campbell. University of California Publications: English Studies, No. 1. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1950, pp. 219-31.
Booth, Bradford A. 'Trollope on Scott: Some Unpublished Notes.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 5 (1950-51): 223-30.
_____. ed. 'Author to Publisher: Anthony Trollope and William Isbister.' Princeton University Library Chronicle, 24 (1962-63): 51-67.
_____. ed. The Letters of Anthony Trollope. London: Oxford University Press, 1951.
_____. ed. The Tireless Traveler: Twenty Letters to the Liverpool Mercury by Anthony Trollope. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of Cal. Press, 1941.
Bowen, Elizabeth. Anthony Trollope: A New Judgement. New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1946.
Brace, Gerald Warner. 'The World of Anthony Trollope.' Texas Quarterly, 4, No. 3 (1961): 180-9.
Briggs, Asa. 'Trollope, Bagehot and the English Constitution.' CJE 5 (1951-52): 327-38.
Brown, Beatrice Curtis. Anthony Trollope. 2nd ed. London: Arthur Barker, 1967.
Burn, W. L. 'Anthony Trollope's Politics. Nineteenth Century and After, 143 (1948): 161-71.
Burton, Richard. Masters of the English Novel: A Study of Principles and Personalities. New York: Holt, 1909, pp. 252-58.
Cadbury, William. 'Shape and Theme: Determinants of Trollope's Forms.' Publications of the Modern Language Association, 78 (1963): 326-32.
Cecil, David. 'Anthony Trollope.' Early Victorian Novelists: Essays in Revaluation. London: Constable, 1934; rpt. Victorian Novelists: Essays in Revaluation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958, pp. 245-79.
Chapman, Raymond. 'Trollope.'The Victorian Debate: English Literature and Society 1832-1901. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968, pp. 181-93.
Church, Richard. The Growth of the English Novel. London: Methuen, 1951, pp. 168-74.
Cockshut, A. 0. J. Anthony Trollope: A Critical Study. London: 1955; rpt. New York: New York University Press, 1968.
[Collins, Lucas.] 'Autobiography of Anthony Trollope.' Blackwood's, 134 (November 1883): 577-96.
Cooper, Harold. 'Trollope and Henry James in 1868.' Modern Language Notes, 58 (1943): 558.
Coyle, William. 'Trollope and the Bi-columned Shakespeare.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 6 (1951-52): 33-46.
_____.'Trollope as Social Anthropologist.' CE 17 (1955-6): 392-97.
Cross, Wilbur L. 'Anthony Trollope.' The Development of the English Novel. New York: Macmillan, 1924, pp. 215-24.
Dallas, E. S. 'Anthony Trollope.' The Times, 23 May 1859, p. 12.
Davidson, J. H. 'Anthony Trollope and the Colonies.'Victorian Studies. 12 (1968-79): 305-30.
Davies, Hugh Sykes. Trollope. Writers and Their Work, No. 118. London: Longmans, Green, 1960.
_____. 'Trollope and His Style.' ••PEL, 1. No. 4 (October 1960): 73-85.
Dustin, John E. 'Thematic Alternation in Trollope.' Publications of the Modern Language Association, 77 (1962): 280-88.
Edwards, P. D. Anthony Trollope. Profiles in Literature Series. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1969.
——'Trollope and the Reviewers: Three Notes.' Notes and Queries, 213 (1968): 418-20.
Escott, T. H. S. Anthony Trollope: His Work, Associates and Literary Originals. London: John Lane, 1913.
Fraser, Russell A. 'Anthony Trollope's Younger Characters.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 6 (1951-52): 96-106.
_____. 'Shooting Niagara in the Novels of Thackeray and Trollope.' Modern Language Quarterly, 19 (1958): 141-46.
Fredman, Alice Green. Anthony Trollope. Columbia Essays on Modern Writers, No. 56. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971.
Gerould, Winifred Gregory, and Gerould, James Thayer. A Guide to Trollope. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948.
Gindin, James. 'Trollope.' Harvest of a Quiet Eye: The Novel of Compassion. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1971, pp. 28ff.
Cragg, Wilson B. 'Trollope and Carlyle.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 13 (1958-9): 266-70.
Green, Gladys. 'Trollope on Sidney's "Arcadia" and Lytton's "The Wanderer".' Trollopian, 1, No. 3 (September 1946): 45-54.
Hagan, John. 'The Divided Mind of Anthony Trollope.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 14 (1959-60): 1-26.
Harrison, Frederic. 'Anthony Trollope's Place in Literature.' Forum, 19 (May 1895): 324-37.
Helling, Rafael. 'A Century of Trollope Criticism.' Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 22, No. 2 (1957): 1-203.
Hutton, R. H. 'From Miss Austen to Mr. Trollope.' Spectator, 55 (16 December 1882).
Irwin, Mary Leslie. Anthony Trollope: A Bibliography. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1926.
James, Henry. 'Anthony Trollope.' Partial Portraits. London: Macmillan, 1888, pp. 97-133.
Jillson, Frederick F. 'The "Professional" Clergyman in Some Novels by Anthony Trollope.' Hartford Studies in Literature, 1 (1969-70): 185-97.
Johnson, Pamela Hansford. 'Anthony Trollope, an Odd Fish.* New York Times Book Review, 25 April 1965, p. 2.
_____. 'Trollope's Young Women.' On the Novel: A Present for Walter Allen on His 60th Birthday from His Friends and Colleagues. Ed. B. S. Benedikz. London: J. M. Dent, 1971, pp. 17-33.
Jones, Frank Pierce. 'Anthony Trollope and the Classics.' Classical Weekly, 37 (1943-44): 227-31.
Jones, Iva G. 'Trollope, Carlyle, and Mill on the Negro: An Episode in the History of Ideas.' Journal of Negro History, 52 (1967): 185-99.
Kenney, Mrs. David J. 'Anthony Trollope's Theology.' AN(SQ_, 9 (1970-71): 51-54.
King, Helen Garlinghouse, ed. 'Trollope's Letters to the Examiner' Princeton University Library Chronicle, 26 (1964-65): 71-101.
Koskimies, Rafael. 'Novelists' Thoughts about Their Art.' Neuphilologisclie Alitteilungen, 57 (1956): 148-59.
Lee, James W. 'Trollope's Clerical Concerns: The Low Church Clergymen.' Hartford Studies in Literature, 1 (1969-70): 198-208.
More, Paul Elmer. 'My Debt to Trollope.' Demon of the Absolute. New Shelburne Essays, Vol. I. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1928, pp. 89-125.
Newbolt, Sir Francis. Out of Court. London: Philip Allan, 1925.
Nichols, Spemcer Van Bokkelen. The Significance of Anthony Trollope. New York: D. C. McMurtrie, 1925.
O'Connor, Frank. 'Trollope the Realist.' The Mirror in the Roadway: A Study of the Modern Novel. New York: Knopf, 1956, pp. 165-83.
[Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret]. Review of The Claverings and The Last Chronicle of Barset. Blackwood's, 102 (September 1867): 275-78.
Park, Clara Claiborne. 'Trollope and the Modern Reader.' Massachusetts Review, 3 (1961-62): 577-91.
Parks, Edd Winfield. 'Trollope and the Defense of Exegesis.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, (1952-53): 265-71.
Parrish, Morris L., ed. Anthony Trollope: Four Lectures. London: Constable, 1938.
Polhemus, Robert M. The Changing World of Anthony Trollope. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1968.
Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. What I Remember. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1887.
Vincent, C. J. Trollope: A Victorian Augustan.' Queen's Quarterly, 52 (1945-46): 415-28.
Walpole, Hugh. Anthony Trollope. New York: Macmillan, 1928.
Welsby, Paul A. 'Anthony Trollope and the Church of England.' Church Quarterly Review, 163 (1962): 210-20.
West, Rebecca. 'A Nineteenth-Century Bureaucrat.' The Court and the Castle: Some Treatments of a Recurrent Theme. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957, pp. 133-64.
Wildman, John H. 'Anthony Trollope Today.' CE, 7 (1945-46): 397-99
_____. Anthony Trollope's England. Brown University Studies, vol. v. Providence: Brown University Press, 1940.
Studies of Individual Novels: The American Senator
ApRobers, Ruth. 'Trollope's One World.' South Atlkantic Quarterly, 68 (1969): 463-77.
Greenberg, Clement. 'A Victorian Novel.' PR, (1944): 234-38.
Harden, Edgar F. 'The Alien Voice: Trollope's Western Senator.' Texas Studies in Language and Literature, 8 (1966-67): 219-34.
Stryker, David. 'The Significance of Trollope's "American Senator".' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 5 (1950-51).
Taylor, Robert H. 'The Manuscript of Trollope's The American Senator. Collated with the First Edition.' PBSA, 41 (1947): 123-39.
Wildman, John II. 'Trollope Illustrates the Distinction.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 4 (1949-50).
Ayala’s Angel
Anon. Review. Athenaeum, No. 2795 (21 May 1881): 686.
Miller, J. Hillis. The Form of Victorian Fiction: Thackeray, Dickens, Trollope, George Eliot, Meredith, and Hardy. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1968, pp. 124-39.
Barchester Towers
Bankertj [?], M. S. 'Newman in the Shadow of Barchester Towers? Renascence, 20 (1967-8): 153-61.
Cadbury, William. 'Character and the Mock Heroic in Barchester Towers' Texas Studies in Language and Literature, 5 (1963-64): 509-19.
Kincaid, James R. Barchester Towers and the Nature of Conservative Comedy.' ELH, 37 (1970): 595-612.
Knoepflmacher, U. C. 'Introduction: Entering a Victorian Novel — Barchester Towers'; 'Barchester Towers: The Comedy of Change.'
Laughter and Despair: Readings in Ten Novels of the Victorian Era. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of Cal. Press, 1971, pp. 3-49.
Kronenberger, Louis. 'Barchester Towers.' The Polished Surface: Essays in the Literature of Worldliness. New York: Knopf, 1969, pp. 217-32.
[Meredith, George.] Review. Westminster Review, 68 (October 1857): 594-96.
Shaw, W. David. 'Moral Drama in Barchester Towers.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 19 (1964-65): 45-54.
Taylor, Robert H. 'On Rereading Barchester Towers. Princeton University Library Chronicle, 15 (1953-54): 10-15.
The Barsetshire Chronicle
Borinski, Ludwig. 'Trollopes Barsetshire Novels.' Die Neueren Sprachen, N.S. (December 1962): pp. 533-53.
Kennedy, Hugh L. Unity in Barsetshire. The Hague: Mouton, 1971.
Know, Ronald A. 'The Barsetshire Novels.' Literary Distractions. London: Sheed and Ward, 1958, pp. 134-44.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. 'Anthony Trollope: The Barsetshire Novels.' Charles Dickens and Other Victorians. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1925, pp. 219-34.
Sherman, Theodore A. 'The Financial Motif in the Barchester Novels.' CE, 9 (1947-48): 413-19.
The Belton Estate
James, Henry. Review. Nation, 2 (4 January 1866): 21-22.
The Bertrams
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 7 (26 March 1859): 368-69.
Can You Forgive Her?
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 20 (19 August 1865): 240-42.
Chamberlain, David S. 'Unity and Irony in Trollope's Can You Forgive Her?' Studies in English Literature, 8 (1968): 669-80.
Hoyt, Morris D. '"Can You Forgive Her?": A Commentary.' Trollopian, 2 (1947-8): 57-70.
James, Henry. Review. Nation, 1 (28 September 1865): 409-10.
Castle Richmond
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 9 (19 May 1860): 643-44.
Cousin Henry
ApRoberts, Ruth. 'Cousin Henry: Trollope's Note from Antiquity.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 24 (1969-70): 93-98.
Polhemus, Robert M. 'Cousin Henry: Trollope's Note from Underground.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 20 (1965-66): 385-89.
Doctor Thorne
Anon. Review. Harpers, 17 (September 1858): 693.
_____. Review. Saturday Review, 5 (12 June 1858): 618-19.
Dixon, Sir Owen. 'Sir Roger Scatcherd's Will, in Anthony Trollope's Doctor Thorne.' Jesting Pilate, and Other Papers and Addresses. Sydney: Law Book Co., 1965, pp. 71-81.
Melada, Ivan. “Dr. Thorne.” The Captains of Industry in English Fiction, 1821-1871. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1970, pp. 166-71.
Dr. Wortle's School
Maxwell, J. C. 'Cockshut on "Dr. Wortle's School",' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 13 (1958-59): 153-59.
The Duke's Children
Anon. Review. Spectator, 53 (12 June 1880): 754-55.
Hagan, John H. 'The Duke's Children: Trollope's Psychological Masterpiece.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 13 (1958-9): 1-21.
Kenny, Hilair Gates. 'The Two Isabels: A Study in Distortion.' Victorian News Letter, 25 (1964): pp. 15-17.
The Eustace Diamonds
Milley, Henry J. W. 'The Eustace Diamonds and The Moonstone.' Studies in PhilologySP, 36 (1939): 651-63.
The Fixed Period
Skilton, David. 'The Fixed Period: Anthony Trollope's Novel of 1980.' Studies in the Literary Imagination, 6 (1973): 39-50.
Framley Parsonage
Bucanic, Sonia. 'Some New Facts about the Beginning of Trollope's Framley Parsonage' Studio Romanica Et Anglica Zagrabiensia. Nos. 9-10 (December 1960): 171-76.
He Knew He Was Right
Anon. Review. Spectator, 42 (12 June 1869): 706-8.
Is He Popenjoy?
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 45 (i June 1878): 695-6.
D., T. C. 'Victorian Editions and Victorian Delicacy.' Notes and Queries, 187 (2 December 1944): 251-53.
La Vendée
Fleishman, Avrom. The English Historical Novel: Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1971.
The Last Chronicle of Barset
Hamer, Nancy. 'Working Diary for The Last Chronicle of Barset.' Times Literary Supplement (TLS), 24 December 1971, p. 1606.
West, William A. 'The Last Chronicle of Barset: Trollope's Comic Techniques.' The Classic British Novel. Ed. Howard M. Harper, Jr. and Charles Edge. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1972, pp. 121-42.
The Macdermots of Ballycloran
Donovan, Robert A. 'Trollope's Prentice Work.' Modern Philology, 53 (1955-6): 179-86.
Tingay, Lance O. The Publication of Trollope's First Novel.' Times Literary Supplement (TLS), 30 March 1956, p. 200.
_____. 'The Reception of Trollope's First Novel.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 6 (1951-52): 195-200.
_____. Trollope's First Novel.' Notes and Queries, 195 (1950): 563-64.
Miss Mackenzie
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 19 (4 March 1865): 263-65.
James, Henry. Review. Nation, 1 (13 July 1865): 51-52.
Orley Farm
Adams, Robert M. '"Orley Farm" and Real Fiction.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 8 (27-41.
Booth, Bradford A. 'Trollope's Orley Farm: Artistry Manqué,' From Jane Austen to Joseph Conrad: Essays Collected in Memory of James T. Hillhouse. Ed. Robert C. Rathburn and Martin Steinmann, Jr. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1958, pp. 146-59.
The Palliser Chronicle
Borinski, Ludwig. Trollopes Palliser Novels.' Die Neueren Sprachen, N.S. (September 1963): pp. 389-407.
Chapman, R. W. 'Personal Names in Trollope's Political Novels.' Essays Mainly on the Nineteenth Century: Presented to Sir Humphry Alilford. London: Oxford University Press, 1948, pp. 72-81.
Dinwiddy, J. R. 'Who's Who in Trollope's Political Novels.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 22 (1967-8): 31-46.
Mizener, Arthur. 'Anthony Trollope: The Palliser Novels.' From Jane Austen to Joseph Conrad: Essays Collected in Memory of James T. Hillhouse. Ed. Robert C. Rathbum and Martin Steinmann, Jr. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1958, pp. 160-76.
Mohan, Ramesh. 'Trollope's Political Novels (Chronicles of Parliamentary Life).' Indian Journal of English Studies, 1 (1960): 57-69.
Laski, Audrey L. 'Myths of Character: An Aspect of the Novel.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 14 (1959-60): 333-43.
Kenney, Blair G. 'Trollope's Ideal Statesmen: Plantagenet Palliser and Lord John Russell.' NCR, 20 (1965-6): 281-85.
Kleis, John Christopher. 'Passion vs. Prudence: Theme and Technique in Trollope's Palliser Novels.' Texas Studies in Language and Literature, (1969-70): 1405-14.
Phineas Finn
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 27 (27 March 1869): 431-32.
Bloomfield, Morton W. 'Trollope's Use of Canadian History in "Phineas Finn" (1867-1869).' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 5 (1950-51): 67-74.
Phineas Redux
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 37 (7 Feb. 1874): 186-7.
The Prime Minister
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 42 (14 October 1876): 481-82.
Rachel Ray
Anon. 'New Novels.' The Times, 25 December 1863, p. 4.
Ralph the Heir
Booth, Bradford A. 'Trollope, Reade, and "Shilly-Shally".' Trollopian, 1. No. 4 (March 1947): 45-54; 2, No. 11 (June 1947): 43-51.
Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite
Anon. Review. Spectator, 43 (26 November 1870): 1415-16.
The Small House at Allington
Anon. Review. North American Review, 99 (July 1864): 292-98.
_____. Review. Saturday Review, 17 (14 May 1864): 595-96.
McMaster, Juliet. "The Unfortunate Moth": Unifying Theme in The Small House at Allington" Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 26 (1971-2): 127-44.
The Vicar of Bullhampton
Cadbury, William. 'The Uses of the Village: Form and Theme in Trollope's The Vicar of Bullhampton? Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 18 (1963-4): 151-63.
The Warden
Anon. Review. Athenaeum, No. 1422 (27 January 1855): 107-8.
Best, G. F. A. 'The Road to Hiram's Hospital: A Byway of Early Victorian History.'Victorian Studies, 5 (1961-62): 135-50.
Ganzel, Carol H. 'The Times Correspondent and The Warden.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 21 (1966-6): 325-36.
Goldberg, M. A. 'Trollope's The Warden: A Commentary on the "Age of Equipoise".' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 17 (1962-63): 381-90.
Hawkins, Sherman. 'Mr. Harding's Church Music.' ELH, 29 (1962).
Houston, Maude. 'Structure and Plot in The Warden?' Univ. of Texas Studies in English, 34 (1955): 107-13.
Know, Ronald. 'Introduction to the Barsetshire Novels.' The Warden. London: Oxford University Press, 1952, pp. vii-xix.
Marshall, William H. The World of the Victorian Novel. South Brunswick, N.J. and New York: A. S. Barnes, 1967, pp. 322-36.
Sharp, R. L. 'Trollope's Mathematics in The Warden? Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 17 (1962-63): 288-89.
Syevenson, Lionel. 'Dickens and the Origin of "The Warden",' Trollopian, 2 (1947-48): 83-89.
The Way We Live Now
Anon. Review. Saturday Review, 40 (17 July 1875): 88-89.
_____. Review. The Times, 24 August 1875, p. 4.
Edwards, P. D. The Chronology of "The Way We Live Now".' Notes and Queries, 214 (1969): 214-16.
_____. 'Trollope Changes His Mind: The Death of Melmotte in The Way We Live Now.' Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 18 (1963-4): 89-91.
Hornback, Bert G. 'Anthony Trollope and the Calendar of 1872: The Chronology of The Way We Live Now.' Notes and Queries, 208 (1963): 454-57.
Nathan, Sabine. 'Anthony Trollope's Perception of The Way We Live Now.' ZAA (East Berlin): 10 (1962): 259-78.
Slakey, Roger L. 'Melmotte's Death: A Prism of Meaning in The Way We Live Now.' ELH, 34 (1967): 248-59.
Tanner, Tony. 'Trollope's The Way We Live Now: Its Modern Significance.' Critical Quarterly (1967): 256-71.
Works with Important References to Trollope
[???] Miriam. Novelists on the Novel. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959.
Bennett, Arnold. Books and Persons: Being Comments on a Past Epoch. New York: George H. Doran, 1917, pp. 134-35, 149.
Bliss, Trudy, ed. Thomas Carlyle: Letters to His Wife. London: Gollancz, 1953, p. 381.
Bowen, Elizabeth. English Novelists. London: William Collins, 1942, pp. 32-33.
Bradford, Gamaliel. 'Gustave Flaubert.' Bare Souls. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1924; rpt. New York: Kraus Reprint Co., 1968, pp. 241-76.
Chapple, J. A. V., and Arthur Pollard, eds. The Letters of Mrs. Gaskell. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967, p. 6oa.
Chesterton, G. K. The Victorian Age in Literature. London: Williams and Norgate, [1913], pp. 134-6.
Cline, C. L., ed. The Letters of George Meredith. Oxford: Qarendon Press, 1970. i. 593.
Colvin , Sir Sydney, ed. The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. New York: Scribners, 1923. i. 261.
Faber, Richard. Proper Stations: Class in Victorian Fiction. London: Faber and Faber, 1971, pp. 111-24.
Ford, Ford Madox. The English Novel: From the Earliest Days to the Death of Joseph Conrad. Philadelphia and London: Lippincott, 1929, pp. 119-20.
Forster, E. M. Aspects of the Novel. London: Edward Arnold, 1927.
Gissing, George. The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft. London: Constable, 1903, p. 213.
HAIGHT, Gordon S. 'George Meredith and the "Westminster Review".' Modern Language Review, 53 (1958): 1-16.
_____. ed. The George Eliot Letters. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955. iv. no.
Hawthorne, Julian. 'The Maker of Many Books.' Confessions and Criticisms. Boston: Ticknor, 1887, pp. 140-62.
Howells, William Dean. My Literary Passions: Criticism and Fiction. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1895; rpt. New York: Kraus Reprint Co., 1968, pp. 179-82.
_____. 'Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading: An Impersonal Explanation.' Ed. William M. Gibson. Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 62 (1958): 15-34.
Landis, Paul, and Freeman, Ronald E., eds. Letters of the Brownings to George Barren. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1958.
Leavis, F. R. The Great Tradition. London: Chatto and Windus, 1948.
Leavis, Q. D. Fiction and the Reading Public. London: Chatto and Windus, 1932, p. 252.
Levin, Harry. Refractions: Essays in Comparative Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966, p. 318.
Mcelderry, B. R., Jr. 'Beerbohm on Trollope.' Times Literary Supplement (TLS), 12 October 1967, p. 968.
Myers, William. 'George Eliot: Politics and Personality.' Literature and Politics in the Nineteenth Century. Ed John Lucas. London: Methuen, 1971, pp. 105-29.
Schueller, Herbert M., and Peters, Robert L., eds. The Letters ofJohn Addington Symonds, 1844-1868. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1967. I, 451.
Scudder, Vida D. Introduction to the Study of English Literature. New York and Chicago: Globe School Book Co., 1901.
Thomson, Patricia. The Victorian Heroine: A Changing Ideal, 1837-1875. London: Oxford University Press, 1956.
Wharton, Edith. The Writing of Fiction. New York: Scribners, 1925, p. 63.
Williams, Raymond. The English Novel: From Dickens to Lawrence. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970, pp. 84-86.
Woolf, Virgina. 'The Novels of George Meredith.' The Second Common Reader. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1932, pp. 245-56.
——'Phases of Fiction.' Collected Essays. London: Chatto and Windus, 1966; New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1967. ii. 56-102.
General Materials on the Novel and Its Aesthetics
Adams, Robert M. Strains of Discord: Studies in Literary Openness. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1958.
Booth, Wayne C. The Rhetoric of Fiction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961.
Collingwood, R. G. Principles of Art. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1938.
Cook, Albert. The Meaning of Fiction. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1960.
Friedman, Alan. The Turn of the Novel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966.
Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1957.
Glicksberg, Charles I. The Ironic Vision in Modern Literature. The Hague: Martinus NijhofF, 1969.
Goldknopf, David. 'What Plot Means in the Novel.' Antioch Review, 29 (1969-70): 483-96.
Greenberg, Clement. Art and Culture: Critical Essays. Boston: Beacon Press, 1961.
Hardy, Barbara. 'Towards a Poetics of Fiction: An Approach Through Narrative.' Novel, 2 (1968-9): 5-14.
Harvey, W. J. Character and the Novel. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1965.
Hoffman, Frederick J. 'Searching for Reasons: The 19th-century Novel and 20th-century Literature.' Journal of General Education, 15 (1963-64): 221-29.
Hyde, William J. 'George Eliot and the Climate of Realism.' Publications of the Modern Language Association,'J2 (1957)) 147-64
Langbaum, Robert. The Poetry of Experience: The Dramatic Monologue in Modern Literary Tradition. New York: Random House, 1957.
Levine, Geirge. 'Realism, or, in Praise of Lying: Some Nineteenth-Century Novels.' CE, 31 (1969-70): 355-65.
Mendilow, A. A. Time and the Novel. London and New York: P. Nevill, 1952; rpt. New York: Humanities Press, 1965.
Miller, J. Hillis. The Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-Century Writers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963.
_____. The Form of Victorian Fiction: Thackeray, Dickens, Trollope, George Eliot, Meredith, and Hardy. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1968.
Muecke, D. C. The Compass of Irony. London: Methuen, 1969.
Sacks, Sheldon. Fiction and the Shape of Belief. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University ofCal. Press, 1964.
_____. 'The Psychological Implications of Generic Distinctions.' Genre, 1 (1968): 106-15.
Scholes, Robert, and Kellog, Robert. The Nature of Narrative. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966.
Scholes, Robert. 'On Realism and Genre.' Novel, 2 (1968-9): 269-71.
_____. 'Towards a Poetics of Fiction: An Approach Through Genre.' Novel, 2 (1968-9): loi-n.
Stang, Richard. The Theory of the Novel in England 1850-1870. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; New York: Columbia University Press, 1959.
Last modified 8 January 2019