The eternal conflict between land and sea plays out in the palace's third room. The “iron coast and angry waves” battle to break each other directly next door to the previous stanza's coastal scene of a lone figure pacing along the sea's sandy edge. Menacing undertones of the night sea's dangers rise to the surface in this stanza as an allegory for the struggle between human society and the chaotic forces of nature. Referring to it as the “iron coast” provides the key to understanding the hint of a deeper meaning in the stanza.
Endless expanses of water beat at the shores of civilization, as indicated by the reference to iron—a natural element extracted and reformed by humans to build the structures and machines that drove the Industrial Revolution. Though the description of the iron coast can refer simply to the cliffs' colors, the critical ambiguity paints a poetic image of a coastal boundary wrought by humans to fend off the vast, inhospitable sea.
The waves of chaos batter the shores of civilization, but in the end the waves are “rock-thwarted” and leave the land's defenses intact. The sea's destructive energy is fended off for the moment, but the “bellowing caves,/ Beneath the windy wall” belie the ultimate vulnerability of the cliffs to erosion by the ceaseless battering by the wind and waves.
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