- Section 40: “tidings of the bride”
- Section 59: “O Sorrow . . . sometimes lovely like a bride”
- Section 98: “The birth, the bridal; friend from friend”
- Section 99: “Memories of bridal, or of birth”
- Epilogue: “But where is she, the bridal flower”
- Epilogue: “O happy hour, behold the bride”
- Epilogue: “And I must give away the bride” Epilogue: “drinking health to bride and groom”
- Epilogue: “touch with shade the bridal doors”
- Section 9: “whom I shall not see Till all my widowed race be run”
- Section 13: “Tears of the widower”
- Section 17: “him I shall not see Till all my widowed race be run”
- Section 40: “Could we forget the widowed hour”
- Section 85: “My heart, though widowed, may not rest”
- Section 10: “Thou bring'st the sailor to his wife”
- Section 90: “would but find in child and wife An iron welcome”
- Section 59: “No casual mistress, but a wife”
- Section 97: “[I thought of] my spirit as of a wife”
- Epilogue: “the bridal flower, That must be made a wife ere noon”
- Epilogue: “Now waiting to be made a wife”
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Last modified 20 February 2010