- Days and Nights, 1889
- Silhouettes, 1892
- London Nights, 1895
- Amoris Victima, 1897
- Images of Good and Evil, 1899
- Poems, (2 Vols.), 1902 (a selection from the above volumes)
- A Book of Twenty Songs, 1905
- The Fool of the World, 1906
- The Knave of Hearts: 1894--1908, 1913
- Lesbia and Other Poems, 1920
- Love's Cruelty, 1923
- Jezebel Mort, 1931
- Tragedies, 1916
- Spiritual Adventures, 1905
- Cities, 1903
- Cities of Italy, 1907
- London: A Book of Aspects, 1908 (later collected in Cities and Seacoasts and Islands)
- Colour Studies in Paris, 1918
- Cities and Seacoasts and Islands, 1919
- Wanderings, 1930
- Confessions: A Study in Pathology, 1930
- The Memoirs of Arthur Symons (ed. Karl Beckson), 1977
- Arthur Symons: Selected Letters, 1880-1935 (ed. Karl Beckson & John Munro), 1989
- An Introduction to the Study of Browning, 1886
- The Symbolist Movement in Literature, 1899 (rev. 1919)
- Plays, Acting and Music, 1903
- Studies in Prose and Verse, 1904
- Aubrey Beardsley, 1905
- Studies in the Seven Arts, 1906
- William Blake, 1907
- The Romantic Movement in English Poetry, 1909
- Figures of Several Centuries, 1916
- Charles Baudelaire: A Study, 1920
- Dramatis Personae, 1923
- Notes on Joseph Conrad, With Some Unpublished Letters, 1925
- Studies on Modern Painters, 1925
- Parisian Nights: A Book of Essays, 1926
- Studies in Strange Souls, 1929
- A Study of Oscar Wilde, 1930
- Paul Verlaine. A Memoir (n.d.)
- From Toulouse Lautrec to Rodin (n.d.)
- Mes Souvenirs (n.d.)
- The Café Royal and Other Essays by Arthur Symons (n.d.)
- The Dawn, (Emile Verhaeren), 1898
- Boule de Suif, (Guy de Maupassant), 1899
- Francesca Da Rimini (Gabriele D'Annunzio), 1902
- Elektra (Hugo Von Hofmannstahl), 1908
- Gioconda (Gabriele D'Annunzio), 1923
- From Catullus, Chiefly Concerning Lesbia, 1924
- Baudelaire: Prose and Poetry, 1926
- The Letters of Baudelaire, 1927
- L'Assomoir (Emile Zola), 1928
Last modified: 7 September 2003