[Dominic Carlone has kindly shared Snatched Away in Beauty's Bloom, his elegantly designed Hallam site at the University of Windsor (from which this document comes), with readers of the Victorian Web.]

Even thus, methinks, a city reared should be!
     Yea, an imperial city, that might hold
     Five times a hundred noble towns in fee,
     And either with their might of Babel old,
Or the rich Roman pomp of empery
     Might stand compare, highest in arts enroll'd,
     Highest in arms; brave tenement for the free,
     Who never crouch to thrones, or sin for gold.
Thus should her towers be raised--with vicinage
     Of clear bold hills, that curve her very streets,
     As if to vindicate 'mid choicest seats
Of art, abiding Nature's majesty,
     And the broad sea beyond, in calm or rage
     Chainless alike, and teaching Liberty.

Last modified 8 April 2000.