Conrad by William Rothenstein.]
Biographical Materials
- Conrad on the indifferent creation in which “the last vestiges of faith, hope, charity, and even of reason itself, seem ready to perish”
- H. L. Menken on Conrads’s dark humor
- “Human life is a seeking without a finding”: H. L. Mencken on Conrads’s philosophy of life
- Conrad and Classical Imagery in The Nigger of the 'Narcissus'
- Religion in England
- Conrad’s Bloody Imperialism: Achebe, Said, and what Conrad really wrote
- The British Empire
- White Lies and Whited Sepulchres in Conrad's Heart of Darkness
- Why blow up the Greenwich Observatory? (The Secret Agent)
Literary Relations
- [Review of] Joseph Conrad's Contemporary Reviews, 4 Volumes
- “what I read on the evening before I began to write myself” (Conrad's early reading of English fiction)
- Bleak House, Madame Delestang, and Lady Dedlock
- Conrad on Rousseau and the autobiographical elements of fiction
- An abiding affection for that energetic, slight, fragile, intensely living and transient figure” — Conrad on Stephen Crane
- Introduction: Comparing Imagery in Conrad and Hardy
- Aesthetes and Decadents
- Mid- and late-Victorian Fiction
Artistic Relations
- Muirhead Bone's Conrad listening to music, 1923
The Cultural Context
Last modified 26 September 2018