The Three Magi

Clayton & Bell


The right-hand light of a three-light window in the south wall of St Michael's, Cornhill.


William Waters writes in his caption, "From 1857-1869 St Michael, a Wren style church, was restored and redecorated by Gilbert Scott. It was favourably received by the Ecclesiologists who marked out Clayton's windows for special praise. They were his most Pre-Raphaelite set of windows in their graphic portrayal of the scenes of Christ's nativity and passion." Waters adds that the circular window here, of Christ in Glory, is a masterpiece of modernised medievalism" (104). The window shown on the left here makes a particularly striking contrast with the treatment of the same subject in The Three Magi at St Mary's, Lapworth, Warwickshire.

  • The Three Magi in St Mary's, Lapworth
  • John Richard Clayton, Pre-Raphaelite Associate: Sculptor, Illustrator, and Church Decorator
  • Photograph by Alastair Carew-Cox in Waters 105, reproduced here by kind permission. Text added, and formatting, by Jacqueline Banerjee. [Click on the image for a larger picture.]