Little Mary and Her Friend Troy by Edward Henry Wehner (1813–68)

Little Mary and Her Friend Troy

Artist: Edward Henry Wehnert (1813-68)


Chromolithograph by Day & Son

4 7/8 x 3 ½ inches

Illustration for Emilie Maceroni's Magic Words, following p. 10

Percy is desolate after a rift with his beloved Edith; Mary, whom he had tutored, has brought a tiny but thoughtful Christmas gift for him. She will comfort him and suggest a reconciliation. The plot has some relevance to the first marriage of George Meredith. George and Mary Ellen Meredith lodged with the Maceronis for some months (see Pulford 10) at their superior boarding-house in Weybridge, Surrey.

Related Material

  • George Meredith and Emilie Maceroni
  • Scanned image and text by Jacqueline Banerjee

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