The Old Farm, by Robert Taylor Pritchett (1828–1907). 1868. Pen-and-ink. Shown at the "Drawing Esher" exhibition of R. T. Pritchett's pen-and-ink drawings, held at the Civic Offices in Esher, Surrey, 31 January - 21 September 2023. [Click on the image to enlarge it.]
The artist has lavished much care on this anonymous farm, the rather attractive building with its picket fence, gate, barn and shelter, not to mention the buckets, flowerpots, broom, discarded cloth or clothing (by the bucket on the fence), farm implement, log pile and chickens. The details here bring the place to life, as if the farmer might emerge at any moment to set about his tasks.
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Photograph, text and formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee; photograph reproduced here by kind permission of Elmbridge Museum and the Civic Offices, Esher.
Nairn, Ian and Nikolaus Pevsner, rev. Bridget Cherry. The Buildings of England: Surrey. 2nd ed. London: Penguin, 1971.
Created 10 September 2023