Bernard Partridge's Self-portrait. Source: Spielmann 564.
Biographical Material
- Avenged! (parody of Carroll’s “The Walrus and the Carpenter”)
- Frontispiece for “Mr. Punch’s Coronation Number”
- The King over the Water
- Ars (Britannica) Longa
- Will There Be Room for me [Peace] at the Coronation?
- Frontispiece for Punch’s 1902 Almanack
- Not Forgotten; or, the Modern Cinderella
- Off to the Durbar
- Frontispiece for volume 123 of Punch [Mr. Punch wearing a turban; an elephant holds volume 123]
- Partners [Britannia and Colonia]
- A Plane-Tree: The Temple Church (frontispiece to Amy Levy's A London Plane-Tree and Other Verse)
- Odds & Ends (illustration in Amy Levy's A London Plane-Tree and Other Verse)
- Punch on the Acession of Edward VIII — The Durbar in Delhi (Off to the Durbar, and Mr Punch in Indian Garb)
Bryant, Mark. “Drawing the Line: Fine Art, Caricature and Cartoons in Britain, from Gillray to Scarfe.” The British Art Journal 20, no. 2 (2019): 42–52. https://www.jstor.org/stable/48616917.
Knox, E. V., and Paul Goldman. "Partridge, Sir (John) Bernard (1861–1945), cartoonist and illustrator." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online ed. Web. 14 February 2024.
Price, R. G. G. A History of Punch. London: Collins, 1957.
Scully, Richard. Eminent Victorian Cartoonists. Three volumes. London: Political Cartoon Society, 2018.
Spielmann, Marion H. The History of Punch. Vol. 2. London: Punch, 1895. Internet Archive, from a copy in Harvard University Library. Web. 14 February 2024.
Created 6 May 2014
Last modified 14 February 2024