The Ghosts of Departed Usurers, or, The Phantoms—
John Leech
Wood engraving dropped into letterpress
9.5 x 6.3 cm vignetted
Dickens's A Christmas Carol, first edition (1843), page 37.
Leech's illustration reveals to Scrooge what he will become after death, a mere spectre, unable to intervene for good in the lives of people less fortunate than himself. A woman, whom he would have ignored prior to this night of ghostly visitations, attempts to find shelter in a building opposite. The ghosts of the departed usurers are agitated because their insubstantial condition prohibits them from alleviating the poor woman's suffering; hence, Leech includes area-railings between the spirits and the pauper to draw the line between the visible and the "invisible" world.
[Click on image to enlarge it.]
Scanned image and text by Philip V. Allingham.