These plates, which have been taken from earlier editions, notably the twenty-two volume Chapman and Hall Household Edition (1871-79), appear in a complete, eighteen-volume edition published by the Co-operative Publication Society, New York and London [1912].
The Sixteen Illustrations by Various Hands Rendered in Photogravure
The Theatrical Emotion of Mr. Vincent Crummels: "Farewell, my noble, my lion-hearted boy!" — Nicholas Nickleby.
"Ralph makes one last appointment — and keeps it. [Phiz] — Nicholas Nickleby.
Little Nell and Her Grandfather: "Forth from the city, while it yet slumbered, went the two poor adventurers, wandering they knew not whither." — The Old Curiosity Shop.
Dick Swiveller and the Marchioness: "Under this title the Marchioness repaired, in tears to the school of his selection." [Fred Barnard] — The Old Curiosity Shop.
Barnaby and Hugh: "She would be proud indeed to see me now, eh, Hugh?" said Barnaby. — Burnaby Rudge.
She shuddered to approach the pit; but she crept towards it on her hands and knees, and called to him as loud as she could call. [Darley] — Hard Times.
Captain Cuttle: "Uncle much hove down, Wal'r?" inquired the Captain. [Barnard] — Dombey and Son.
"Or rising to see where the moon shone faintly on a patch of the same endless road miles away, or looking back to see who followed." [Phiz] — Dombey and Son.
Mr. Micawber: "But within half an hour afterwards, he would polish up his shoes with extraordinary pains, and go out, humming a tune with a greater air of gentility than ever." [Barnard] — David Copperfield.
Peggotty Searching for Little Emily: "And many a woman, Mas'r Davy, as has had a daughter of about Emily's age, I've found a waiting for me, at Our Saviour's Cross outside the village." [Barnard] — David Copperfield.
Mr. Tulkinghorn visits the Copyist's Lodging "Hello, my friend!" he cries, and strikes his iron candlestick against the door. [Darley] — Bleak House.
Shadow: "Past the printed bill, which she looks at going by; out of view." [Phiz] — Bleak House.
Past bridges, where there were idlers too, loitering and looking over. [Greiffenhagen] — Pictures from Italy.
"Ah! you are a foine breed o' dog, too, and you ain't kep for nothink!" — The Uncommercial Traveller.
"And London looks so large, so barren and so wild." — Little Dorrit.
As his hand went up above his head and came down on the table, it might have been a blacksmith's. [Mahoney] — Little Dorrit.
Dickens, Charles. Works. Photogravure-Illustrated Edition. New York and London: Co-operative Publication Society, [n. d., 1912?] 16 vols.
Created 12 August 2012
Last modified 21 January 2025