Design for a copper and brass trivet

The 1901 Book

W.J. Neatby (1860-1910)


Booklet: 4 1/2" x 6"

This is on p. 7 of the booklet of designs for prospective clients. A stand for hot pans and other kitchenware or serving dishes, it is both sturdy and elegant, with its Art Nouveau curves, and again with the fashionable double peacock motif on the top. A completed trivet to this design is featured in Aymer Vallance's article about Neatby in the International Studio, Vol. 20 (1903), where it is praised for its "gracefully pierced top and its hammered legs, treated in a manner eminently characteristic of the material" and the designer's attention to detail. — Jacqueline Banerjee

Image kindly provided by Ronald Neatby, great-grandson of the artist. [Click on the image to enlarge it, and mouse over the text for links.]

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