Embroidered Mitre

Gold and silken thread, studded with precious or semi-precious stones

St Augustine's Church, Kilburn, London NW6

"The mitre ... signifies “Holiness to the Lord" (H.H.J. 32), and would be worn by a bishop. Of the several kinds, this seems to be the "precious" mitre, "adorned with gems and precious stones, and often made out of sheets of gold and silver. It was anciently worn on high and solemn festivals, and at synods held in a Cathedral Church" ("The Vestments," 18).

This is another intricately worked item, with cross motifs and close, elegant scroll-patterning.

Photograph by John Salmon, with thanks to St Augustine's Church; text by Jacqueline Banerjee. [Mouse over the text for links.]

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