

Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott

Before 1899


New Palace, Darmstadt, Germany

“The form of the small semicircular writing-chair . . . was suggested by a tapestry panel by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, which was illustrated in a previous number of The Studio. It is peculiarly adapted for a position in a room where the back view of a chair is of perhaps more importance than the front view. Its vertical bars are adorned with inlaid wood of counterchanging shades of dark and light green, culminating in a rose-coloured flower head; and between these bars one catches glimpses of bright colour in the cushion. Here one may note in passing the value which is given to colour seen in this way between bars of a deeper tone, and how such interpositions, instead of marring, serve but to exalt its native brightness.” —Baillie Scott

Scanned image and text by George P. Landow

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