In transcribing the following paragraphs from the rough text in the Internet Archive online version, I have changed the formatting for easier reading, added images that appear in the original and also ones that come from other sources and I have omitted cross references to comparative material, such as examples from ancient Greece. — George P. Landow]
The Chalukyan style is affected by its northern and southern rivals, taking features from each without losing its special character. The starshaped plan and curved pyramidal tower are in contrast with the storied towers of the Dravidian style. The special features are the placing of the temple on a terrace 3 or 4 feet high, the star-shaped plan of the vimana, or idol cell, and the formation of its roof as a straight-sided cone in richly ornamented steps, with crowning vase ornament as in the Temple at Umber. Elaborate pierced marble slabs are placed in window openings. Walling stones without mortar were also used in certain instances.

The Hindu Temple of Tagat-Sarwan, Umber. Click on image to enlarge it/
The province of Mysore contains the principal monuments, as at Somnathpur (A.D. 1043), Bailltir (A.D. 1114), and Hullabid (A.D. 1224), (No. 274). The double temple at the latter place is placed on a terrace 5 feet high, the temples being side by side. In front of each is a detached pillared porch containing a shrine for the idol. The walls are exceedingly rich in sculpture, and have friezes 700 feet long, carved with numerous representations of elephants, lions, horsemen, birds, and bas-reliefs of scenes representing the conquest of Ceylon.
Related material including Nineteenth-Century Engravings
- Hindoo Temple. — Benares
- Hindu (or Brahmanical) Architecture in India 1000-1300 A.D.
- Hindu (Dravidian) Architecture in India 1350-1750 A.D.
- Hinduism
- A Victorian View of Caste in India
- The Hindu Population
Fletcher, Banister, and Banister F. Fletcher. A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method for the Student, Craftsman, and Amateur. 5th ed. London: B. T. Batsford, 1905.
Last modified 12 December 2018