Websites Created and Managed by George P. Landow
Major Sites
- The Victorian Web (41,000 documents as of April 2009)
- Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature in English (ownership passed to Yew Leong in 2009)
- Cyberspace, Hypertext, and Critical Theory Web (14,000 documents as of April 2009)
Smaller or Comparatively Less Developed Sites
- Miniature Worlds
- Rail Tours and Railroad Museums
- A History of Hypertext at Brown University, including materials on Intermedia [included in Cyberspace Web about 2000]
- Descriptive, cross-referenced index to the Storyspace Cluster [Taken down Spring 1998 when Brown ceased maintaining the related server.]
- Context32 (A website to support the teaching of English 32, Survey of English Literature, 1700 to the Present -- No longer online)