Dominic Carlone has kindly shared Snatched Away in Beauty's Bloom, his elegantly designed Hallam site at the University of Windsor (from which this document comes), with readers of the Victorian Web.]

To My Mother

When barren doubt like a late coming snow
     Made an unkind December of my spring,
     That all the pretty flowers did not droop for woe,
     And the sweet birds their love no more would sing:
Then the remembrance of thy gentle faith,
     Mother beloved, would steal upon my heart;
     Fond feeling saved me from that utter scathe,
     And from thy hope I could not live apart.
Now that my mind hath passed from wintry gloom,
     And on the calmèd waters once again
     Ascendant Faith circles with silver plume,
That casts a charmèd shade, not now in pain,
     Thou child of Christ, in joy I think of thee,
     And mingle prayers for what we both may be.

Last modified 7 April 2000.