Carlyle writes to convince, and in "Hudson's Statue" the text addresses itself boldly to two sets of readers. The first, evident from the first paragraphs, is the "dear Reader" — an individual in possession of "the English mind," a member of the "poor English public," mired in "the deep-sunk condition of the English mind, in these sad epochs," but simultaneously described as having a "practical English mind" or a "general English soul." The other, far more curious and multivaried, is a schizophrenic set of personalities. Carlyle addresses them wildly, lecturing and taunting. They range from "Jefferson brick, the American editor," "Our Intermittent Friend," "Fitzsmithytrough," Fitz," "Mr. Bull," to "O Heavyside."

Prof Landow says the Victorian sage assumes that his message, no matter how conservative historically, has been forgotten or abandoned by society. Further, the "style tone, and general presentation of the sage derive from the fact that his voice resides at the periphery."


1. Where then do we situate Carlyle?

2. To whom is "Hudson's Statue" ultimately addressed?

T3. o what advantage does he address these different readers? How can we compare his own voice to those Carlyle uses to speak for him?

4. Why set large sections of the essay as block quotation?

5. How do the strategies in "Hudson's Statue" compare to the more staid approach in "Sign of the Times"?

Last modified 20 February 2002