Memorial Window for Joseph W. Barlow

After 1859

Brasenose College Chapel

University of Oxford

This memorial window for Barlow, who died August 5, 1859 aged 38, appropriately depicts the Resurrection and its Old Testament prefigurations (or types). The entombment of Christ appears at the upper left, Christ's rising from the tomb in the center, and the encounter with his disciples at the upper right. The lower level has Joseph's brothers lowering him into a pit — a prefiguration of the Entombment — on the left and pulling him out on the right.

Joseph was commonly interpreted as a type of Christ, so this window presents a network of connectons that run through sacred history as presented in the Old and New Testaments of which one center is Christ's resurrection.

[Click on image to enlarge it.]

Related material

  • Joseph raised from the pit (detail)
  • Butterfield's Keble College Joseph triptych