
  • Individual Artists
  • Victorian Art Institutions: A Contemporary Survey of Academies, Schools, and Galleries
  • A Victorian Iconography: Subjects in Victorian Painting
  • Style in Victorian Art
  • Periodical Reviews, the Rise of a Middle-Class Audience, and Class Warfare in Victorian Art Criticism
  • Victorian Art Criticism outside the Periodical Press
  • Images of Women — From Victim to Destroyer
  • The Woman in the Frame: Victorian Painting, Ekphrastic Poetry, and the Female Gaze
  • Animals and Victorian Art
  • Reviews of books on Victorian painting
  • Painters from countries other than England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland
  • Some examples of American painting discussed on this site
  • Genres, Movements, and Schools

  • The Aesthetes and Decadents
  • The Classical Revival
  • The Clique (young artists of the early Victorian period)
  • The Etruscan School
  • Fairy Painting
  • Genre Painting
  • The Idyllic School
  • Land- and Seascapes
  • The Newlyn School
  • Orientalists: British Painters of the Mid and Far East
  • Portrait Miniatures
  • Portraiture
  • The Pre-Raphaelites: An Overview
  • The St. John's Wood Clique (artists of the later Victorian period)
  • Scottish painting
  • Topography
  • Flower Painting
  • [See also Artists' Communities]
  • [Painters before Victoria in the Victorian Web]
  • Other Arts


    Last modified 15 June 2020